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Knight To The Future (2024) Full Movie

Knight To The Future (2024) Full Movie

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Change of Hands (2024) Drama Short Film

Change of Hands (2024) Drama Short Film

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Home (2023) Short Film

Home (2023) Short Film

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More than a Student

I, Evan Dawson, also known as BallisticLord,  founded my Youtube Channel on the 11th May 2013.

This is where I began making short skits and fun videos, giving me a taste for filmmaking from an early age.

I have since performed in local productions and more. My basic animation skills are growing as I expand my

interests in the filmmaking industry.


Evan Dawson

Determined, focused.

As a film student, I am devoted to creating cinematic masterpieces at my company Dawson Productions. My team and I work tirelessly to bring our passion to the big screen, from scriptwriting to filming to post-production. We are dedicated to creating films that captivate, inspire, and entertain.

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